favorite things

favorite food ..................... tacos (soft shell)
favorite movie ................... Monty Python and the the Holy Grail
favorite song .................. humm... that a tuff one... i would have to say either Poising Pidgins in The Park or Flight of the Barking Death Squirrels
favorite soft drink ................ Sioux City Sarsaparilla (root beer)
favorite tool ................ duct tape
favorite video game ................. The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time
favorite animal ................ hamster, of course!
favorite color .................... duh, blue
favorite quote .................. "I listen to all my voices." ~ Mrs. B.
favorite TV show ..................... Whose Line is it Anyway?
favorite cartoon show .................... Ed, Edd, & Eddy
favorite comic strip ................... The Far Side, of course!
favorite subject in school ................. duh, art
favorite subject .................... girls, he he
favorite word ................... coconuts!  or is it Ni!? no no no, its coconuts.
favorite outdoor activity ................. biking
favorite book .................. FINAL EXIT FOR CATS, A Feline Suicide Guide
favorite band ................... They Might Be Giants
favorite psychological thingy .............. dyslexia, or is it aixelsyd?
favorite candy ................. cinnamon Altoids
favorite number ................... 3.141592653589...
favorite psychological thingy ............... deja vu

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