The BAP Info Center

welcome to The Bob's Abnormal Page Info Center, if you need help with BAP this is the place to be (hay that rimes!). i made this page to help people out with any problems  and answer any questions they may have about the site. my site i pretty strait forward but there are so many complexicated  web sites out there some people may get confused when they find a page as simple one such as this. 
questions you may or may not have about BAP.
Q. why do you have this section? why not just have the FAQ? 
A. cuz no one asks me questions frequently enough.

Q. how go i get around the site?
A.  what are you, a moron? site navigation in BAP is simple, on the main page, on the left, you will see a strip of duct tape with little pieces of blue paper that have links on them, those links are to the parts of my site. also on the bottom of every page except the main page i have placed a similar navigation system.

Q. why is it called Bob's Abnormal Page version 3.1415...?
A. well cuz this is the third location for BAP. the first was at (which sucks)  and the second was at (which also sucks but not quite as much) and now it is here at (which is pretty darn good). and also cuz i like pi.

Q. can you go to any more decimal places in pi?
A. yes, 3.141592653589...

Q. who does your graphics work?
A. me.

Q. what's the point of this site? what's it's purpose?
A. ummm... good question.

Q. now that all the pages are up am i ever gonna see the page not complete thing again?
A. sure! just click here.

Q. what if i have a question that's not listed here?
A. just send me an e-mail. my e-mail address is

there is no spoon, there is no Arizona, there is no place like home, there is no FAQ... yet.
now don't you get the idea that Bob listens to country music cuz he mentioned a country music song on this page, cuz he doesn't.

site navigation
home Bob Art The Abnormal Awards jedihamster L33t Translations The Abnormal Store Abnormal World The Bob Info Center The BAP Info Center